
Laundry at The Mildred

Login to or visit the screen in the laundry room to:

Sebco's Client Relations Team is here to answer any questions you may have and make sure you have a super easy experience. To get in touch, email Sebco at or call 732-752-9000.

Get the app for your smart phone:

My Magic Pass mobile app for iOS
My Magic Pass mobile app for Android


Put your laundry in the machine before you pay.

After you pay, choose the cycle and water temperature on the machine and press the green start button.

If you include your cell phone number when you sign up, you will receive a text when your laundry is done.

Be sure to check the machine when you are done to be sure that nothing is left behind.

If you experience problems with the laundry machines, please put a sign on the machine so that the next person doesn't have the same bad experience and call Sebco at 732-752-9000 extension #1 to report the problem and request a refund.